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About: Birthplace

Our mission is to help you to be the best version of yourself 

Are you ready to make changes to your life, your weight, your health, and to connect deeply with yourself and others, so as to lead confidently,
and create opportunities that align with your 
beliefs, values and goals?

If the answer is "Yes", then you are in the right place!

Discover tailored techniques to help you unlock your potential.


Tai Chi Classes in Upper Hutt

Tai Chi Classes in Lower Hutt​


How many sessions you need varies from person to person

Your Next Step to Success Starts Here​​​

Book Here to Treat Yourself 

or Treat A Friend to a Gift card​​​

Would You Like The Confidence To Leave Anxiety Behind?


Since the start of my healthcare career in 1981 I have engaged the enemy on many occasions.

The enemy of which I speak is anxiety!I


I have a lifetime of experience, working first as a Mental Health Nurse and General Nurse, then in various hospital management and project management positions, and presently as a Hypnotherapist, Coach & Tai Chi Instructor. Throughout that time, whether facing my own anxieties, or through helping other people to face theirs, I have found one thing to be consistent...


"When confidence enters your mind, anxiety leaves"

Andrew Hardwick 2024


I'll let you in on a secret

In the growing uncertainties of our ever-changing world, the majority of people who come to see me today want to find the confidence to navigate their anxieties. The focus of my business is to help you to find your confidence​ and leave anxiety behind. Whether you're looking for confidence to do public speaking, or for communication and relationship building skills, or to lose weight, to let go of unwanted habits, or to have the confidence to move with comfort and energy, then you are in the right place.​




The best time to start is right here, right now​


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kia ora, I'm Andrew Hardwick

My mission is to help you to be the best version of yourself

Call me now on ++64 (0) 211532508​


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